
Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Forest.

Grandma and Grandpa's house, Canada. 4:18 PM, 16th of july, 2010.

Sorry I didn't write a post yesturday- I was a bit busy, y'know? :p So before I walk about today so far,- even though I've only been up for three and a bit hours- (Yes, I slept in until 1 PM) I'll talk about yesturday. So yesturday, the 15th of July here in Canada and our first full day here in our trip. Yoshi had the idea of building a tree house- like, a proper one... Where you find real trees, cut down real trees into logs, and then place them togeather up in other trees... Back home, our tree house is store bought wood that's all cleanly cut- this one is certainly goign to be very different. So yesturday, Yoshi and Grandpa scouted out a good site for the tree house. A while later, I went out with them to cut some wood for it- gaint hand saw. We've got the base logs for the tree house cut to eh right lenghs, and today apparently they got them up, nailed to the trees. (They have yet to tie them up with wire to make sure they won't fall.) So that's teh tree house so far. :p
Later on in the evening, Yoshi and I went for a bit of an explore around Grandma and Grandpa's property. This place is around sixty'ish acres apaprently. Tree after tree after tree acter tree after tree after slightly different tree after tree... and you get the idea. So I had a brilliantly stupid idea; I'd spin my directionally, geographically, landmark memory challenged brother around in circles, walk him around with his eyes shut a small small distance through the forest, and have him lead us back to the house. Now, in my defense, I did actually place him less than twenty meters from the most obvious landmark on the whole property: a giant, long power line that runs from one end of the property to the other, right past the house. ...I first became suspicious that we'd get lost when he came to the powerlien within a minute, looked one way, looked the other, and then walked rightpast it, into the other part of the forest that is MUCH larger... And even more repetitive. This resulted in fourty minutes of us, lost i nthe forest with hundreds of trees that all looekd the same, several re-ties of my shoe laces, and my eventual taking lead to try and find the power line again to get us back to the house. But here's a good quote I came up with on our little adventure:
(One minute after Yoshi walked us right by the power line.)
Icey: Yoshi, how sure are you this is the right way?
Yoshi: I'm about seventy percent sure.
*Icey whispering to herself, as she still kenw the direction of hte house at this stage.*
Icey: At least he's thirty percent right...
I'm glad it's summer here- as we went out to start exploring after dinner, so around 6 PM... In NZ it'd be long dark by then since it's winter there. But since it's summer here, there's still light until soem time after 9 PM. But yes,the lessons I learned from this were:
1. Don't let Yoshi lead you through a forest when he can't even lead you three corners in the city.
2. Don't let him lead you in circles until you lose track of teh way out yourself.
3. Don't let Yoshi loose on sixty acres of forest.
4. Dont' spin Yoshi around, as he loses balance easily (especially when his are are closed, and he's on a mossy hill with loads of hidden fallen trees and branches everywhere.)
...And I could go on, but basicly, don't let Yoshi show you the way back to anywhere. He doesn't really know as much as he says so.
Moving onto today. I was up from 3 AM until 5 AM... Then I fell asleep again and slept until 1 PM, which is amazing because of how bright it is here... Maybe because it's cloudy I managed to sleep... But yes, I got up afterYoshi and Grandpa had gotten the tree house base loogs up into the trees. I had breakfast, and lunch shortly after. Dad called. (Hello again, Dad whom I know is reading. :p) After I handed the phone back to Mum, it was my turn to clean dishes... Then I got on here and that's today so far. :p So I may write another post tomorrow or the day after, depending on what happens in the way of activity here. :p
Until then, this is Icey dissappearing through the screenlayer.


  1. So, you go to Canada for a vacation and end up building a Tree House? :P Sounds like a typical vacation to me...*whistles* XD
    Sounds like you are having a great, great time! I already wish I was on the other side of the US so I could come and see you. *sniffs*

  2. Yoshi is younger than you? *Assuming* I would NEVER let my younger brother try and show me the way back to anywhere. We would be lost forever, methinks. =D

  3. :P Hehe....don't get lost in the woods Ice! Lol....sounds fun tho.
